Tate loves it.

We have the weekend trips to high spots that still have snow measured in feet, 10 feet, or more in places.
Evenings are reserved for short trips into the mostly dry, snow free hills near home. The dogs love me for the 1 to 2 hour long hikes. It takes the strain of the workday and kills it. Dead.

Sunsets are spectacular here, perfect place, this natural amphitheater.

This hat has been here for years.... I wonder who left it .... on accident no doubt. It blends in nicely and I only saw by chance, being out of the way and all.

The moon has been hidden for days and days. It showed itself briefly, but also beautifully....

Tate snowborded Sunday morning and then golfed Sunday afternoon....

Ryan on the course...

Ririe Reservoir Spillway... Go Dexter!!

Lots of deer still hanging around....

Turkey Vulture above the Ririe Reservoir, looking for scraps...

The Walk....

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